What am I trying to accomplish? I’m not positive but I do feel like I have Things To Say.
Two of my friends inspired me to throw my hat into the blogging ring. One is convinced that I would be a great technical writer. She said I had a knack for writing simple and clear “How To” directions. My other friend wanted to pick my brain about my recent Disney trip. “What do I need to know about taking a toddler to Disney, from A to Z?” I joked that I had so much information I should just write a blog about it. Her response was a resounding, “You SHOULD!” It got me thinking – I have wanted to try my hand at writing. Why not?
My initial plan is to focus on what is close to my heart: thoughts, tips and tricks that I find work for me as a Mom. I have other interests and plenty of opinions (just ask my husband), so I’m sure that this will evolve into something entirely different along the way.
Should be interesting to see where it goes. You are welcome to join me for the ride.
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